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The human-animal connection; Animals and culture

The Johns Hopkins University Press series on Animals, History, Culture, edited by Harriet Ritvo. Dr. Ritvo, a historian, Arthur J. Conner Professor of History and Head of the History Department at MIT, has written widely on the subject of human-animal relations, including the book The Animal Estate: The English and Other Creatures in the Victorian Age (Harvard Press).

Anthrozoos, A Multidisciplinary Journal of the Interactions of People and Animals and IZAS, the International Society for Anthrozoology

The Veterinarian's Role in Animal Welfare (video), a talk by Dr. Elizabeth Stone at the 2005 Ontario Veterinary College Animal Welfare Forum, sponsored by the OVC Animal Welfare Club.

Veterinarians in literature

Some examples of veterinarians in belletrist literature by Hans-Otto Schmidtke in Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow, May 2001. Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow is an international journal that describes itself as "an online current awareness journal".

Human medicine and literature

Ira Flatow's Science Friday May 24, 2002 on Medicine and Literature, with Dr. Atul Gawande, Dr. Rafael Campo, and Felice Aull , Ph.D (founder of the Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database)

The Narrative Medicine program at Columbia University School of Medicine and the NPR interview with the Director, Rita Charon

The Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database (NYU Medical School)

Hiram College Center for Literature, Medicine and the Health Care Professions

Duke University Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and Humanities (in April 2004, sponsoring Vital Lines, Vital Signs, a conference on medicine and poetry)




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